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  2. Customer Details
  3. Address
  4. Service Details
  5. Confirm

Step 1 of 5 - Are you a Residential or Business Customer?

Resend a lost MailMinder Application Form?

We need at least 5 days notice to put your MailMinder Service in place.

You will need a credit/debit card to make payment online and a printer to print your MailMinder Service application form. This form needs to be signed and returned to the Mails Management Team in the GPO who will process your request to have your mail held.

This service is goverened by the following Terms and Conditions.

Residential Customer

The applicant must be 18 years or older. The application is made on behalf of all residents at the address for which the service is requested.


Where the applicant is a Business (e.g Sole Trader, Limited Company, Partnership) or Organisation (e.g School, Trade Union, Goverment Department) please select this option.